Summer 2002 - Sandbridge Beach

Sandbridge Beach - summer 2002

Pat & Stefanie surfer boy the girls

Ada,what are we looking for? Ada

Laura beach time

I'm going to try again! One more time

Hello!!! the girls

summer 2002 Pat & Bichha

Alex Zack show off

the gang under the umbrellas

Ada & Laura Alex,Ada,Laura

Laura the boys

Zack Trong

Zack,Alex summer 2002

surfer girl Laura & Trong

let's build something Summer 2002

food food

and more food Thy

Pat & Stefanie we digged,digged,digged...

digged,digged... and digged,digged...

at the boardwalk Virginia beach boardwalk

Summer 2002 Thy,Alex,Ada

Laura I got it!

Alex,Zack,Ada,Pat part of the gang

Al,Zack,Stefanie The Gronlund

let's walk say cheese!!

Ada ba',Alex,Bichha

Mowgli down time

Zack,Ada,Bichha Glenn

Summer 2002 Let's fly the kite

Laura Trong

Al & Zack Bichha & Stefanie

Ada Al & Zack

Ada Trong,Alex

Pat,Zack Zack

Zack hello!!

Ada wake up uncle Al!!

Stefanie Trong

Ada,Bichha looking for crabs

Zack inside Plum Bliss

The Plum Bliss The Plum Bliss

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Moving Line

17 September 2002
